sourgurl77's Diaryland Diary


deal with it!!

Argh. I'm just pissed off in a major way. I wanted to quit my gym cause my friend goes to this gym near here and loves the classes.

So I figure, quit my gym, go to new gym. Perfect. Yet I did not realize I'm bound by a FUCKING contract until OCTOBER.

The only way OUT of it, is if I stop employment where I work. That's fucking bullshit. My friend at work wants to call up and act like me and complain and bitch to see if they'll cancel it. I don't think they will ... my only option is to talk to the woman who signed me up OR look for my contract cause god KNOWS I don't know what the fuck I did w/ it.

I also can PAY to go to exercise classes at this new gym. 12 weeks for $72 bucks or something. That's a lot of money to me, but I'm contemplating it, I fucking *HATE* my mother fucking gym right now. I thought of quitting for ONE day ... ha.... Thought of saying I broke my foot (that would require a doctors note I'm sure) or saying I moved (proof of residence probably) or something.

I just think it's SHITTY that they are keeping me there when I'm SURE if any other person who isn't corportately signed up, could leave at any time.

I'm also sure it's against the law for my employment to say I no longer work here when I do. So that's out.

So I'm just pissed off in a MAJOR way. I really wanted to take these classes there cause they seemed good and at 6:00 - when I'm HERE already. My gym I go to now, their classes ... are in this rooms where EVERYONE CAN SEE YOU. I don't want gawkers, cause I know I GAWK when I walk by. Plus they have "levels" so the step classes I want to go to, I can't cause I'm not "level 3."

It's bull shit. I am so pissed off I cannot even explain. Not to mention it's hard to even GET a machine when I go now! I had to wait in LINE last night to get on the elliptical. That's fucking bull shit.

I HATE MY GYM. And seeing as I CAN'T FUCKING LEAVE IT UNTIL FUCKING OCTOBER is SHIT. Then having to pay $72 bucks for 12 weeks of classes ... when if I belonged to that gym it would be free ... just burns me the fuck up.

I know I need to calm calm calm down cause I could just foam at the mouth right now, there is nothing I can do ... and I don't want my friend to call up and complain cause I dont' think bitchin' will get you out of a contract.

I'm just sort of mad at myself for not realizing this. Argh. I really wanted to lose weight - and going it this way, I think would've done it, I know I can still do it, granted with a lot of fundage out of my pocket - funds I don't have. AND still I must hit my gym at least 8 times a month or else I don't get my full fee back ($40) ... if I go 4 times a month I only get $20 back.

It's just so infuriating.

Other than this, last night I had a bridal shower fiasco with trying to plan. My sisters fiance's mom yelled at me on the phone and made our ideas look like shit. That white trash bitch, then telling me she can't help out cause her hands hurt and that the meal sounded odd and that I should've gotten invitations out by now....I was ready to say back the FUCK off me. I work full time, I'm trying to plan this shower, lose weight, have a boyfriend, and grocery shop and clean my apt. I just have ZERO time right now .....

I'm stressed/burnt out right now, I also feel like I need to calm down as tonight I see WG and wanted to show him my calmer self - no caffenine Jen - which I DO feel calmer/less anxious ... okay let it gooo. Let it gooo. Disappointment is a bitch. Deal with it - as my old boss used to say....

9:14 a.m. - 2006-01-13


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