sourgurl77's Diaryland Diary


you're here.

Three things:
Fucking cramps, why won't you just go away and shut the fuck up? Seriously, it's been ... what two days now that you've bitched and moaned in my uterus?

Give me a fucking break, at least make my period get enraged and stuff, not this piddly brown and sometimes reddish mess coming from me.

What the fuck.


How the hell dO I get so messed up in my bank account? Read this as $250 in savings and after I pay rent as $170 in checking. I get paid again March 9th.

Read this as piss poor. Read this as how the fuck am I going to afford living next month?

OH Tax Return ... oh where can you be? Seriously. I need you like ... NOW.


Just a side note to say, how silly my boyfriend is and how happy I am to have him when I see those single/bitter bitches and when I realize how alone I was before.

And finally, FINALLY you're intimate with me. It makes me so happy. You don't know. I'm still raving about your kisses last week, I felt what I really mean to you in them.

Thank you Mr. WG. Sometimes even when you're not here, you're here.

8:24 p.m. - 2006-02-28


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