sourgurl77's Diaryland Diary



I'm friggin sick again. I don't get why I can't shake this sore throat madness.

WG was worried as I lay there this morning, saying, my throat fucking hurts.

My sister called to say her period is late, she's worried she might be prego. I said, well you're on birth control. She said while on her honeymoon ... she took it 2 hours late or to early, not really on time.

I don't think she is knocked up, seems to quick to think that she is.

She really wants to get knocked up though, and I swear she also wants attention?

Regardless, WG and I sort of talked about me on birth control. We said we felt okay with it, but always in the back of our mind are those "what if's."

I said, well if it's meant to be...then I guess ... it is? We're adults and can take care of it.

He agreed. And we had sex again ... mark it up three times this weekend. And then he's coming to spend the night Thurs through Sunday.

Saturday we're going to plant a garden at his house. Etc. We talked about when I move in, etc. etc.

It's an odd time right now.

I really feel sick, so I'll keep this entry short. I really hate feeling like I could too, be pregnant. I know at first, I'll think this way because all my life I was taught not to have a guy cum in me. And now he is and it's hard not to think I'm pregnant, so quick and easy. I can't be?

Regardless, I applied for that job in Chicago again - the one I applied for TWICE before. The one I got to - two interviews with - and yeah that's it.

Maybe I'll get it this time. That would be very nice.

However right now I feel my life is going to change drastic. Feels like a matter of time before WG asks me to move in.

Things move fast and slow and anymore.

Just anymore, what we are ... it's just amazing. No one has anything bad to say about us.

Everyone is jealous of our love if they do say anything.




9:03 p.m. - 2006-04-09


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