sourgurl77's Diaryland Diary


to sleep

Going again to doctor today. Sick, yet again. Same shit as before.

This time with a different doctor. This time saying NO to a blood test or a strep test. Going to say had this before no need for that. I hope it works cause the last blood test was horrendous. I've never had one so painful, I've had a few vials taken and that wasn't as painful as this mean bitch nurse who stuck in the needle and cause my vein wasn't giving enough, she pressed on my arm, with the needle in it so more blood would come out.

I got into my tibet-en as calm as a llama mode where I focused on reading a sign on the wall. It still hurt.

Then strep throat test, being choked as the woman sticks a swab in my throat and I'm choking and she's saying, sorry and I'm thinking, I know I don't have strep.

Both tests, negative. Seeing Doctor: $83, gets tests $4 (thanks insurance), drugs last time were only $8.

Regardless, I feel horrid and am taking 1/2 day work and probably will go in tomorrow. No use in taking another day unless I feel really bad/meds make me sicker - which usually happens.

What happend to me? My mom asked, because I've *never* been this sick before - seems like I've been sick three times this year and a yeast infection and this and that. My immune system has declined for some reason.

All I know is I have no appetite and that's pretty okay with me ... just want hot foods, but really just want to go to bed and sleep this off.

Poor WG, this is the second time I've gotten sick around him. I had a temperature yesterday, he kind of was like looking at me worried. Me - just wanted to be left alone.

I know as soon as I start whatever meds, that I'll feel better by tomorrow. That always seems to happen. Though if WG and I engage this weekend, it'll have to be protected. Though that sucks, I assume whatever extra meds I'm put on, will affect my birth control.

Now that's some scary shit. WG is spending the night Thurs-Sunday. Monday we have off work too. So advanced dating or whatever. Thankfully it won't be like seeing him everyday, all day, cause you start to feel like you need your own space for a while.

Still it's good, great to see him back in the saddle. He's just very affectionate now. And all about me and my needs, etc. It's just ... great I guess. Though I feel bad for getting sick yet again, and now ... making him wear a condom ... but he'll just have to deal w/ it. I dislike condoms too, but ... dislike feeling like well I could very very VERY well get knocked up for real ....

Unless they give me something that won't affect my b/c I think all the ibruption and pills I've been taking just to feel okay has probably ... affected it too. But I'm not going to think about that right now ... not when I feel like crying my eyes out - as when I don't feel well, I just seem to cry because I get so fed up with feeling like shit.

Lymph nodes up so much my jaw hurts, earache, slight fever still, horrible sore throat ... can barely swallow type. Hurts to talk, body just ACHES. Just want to sleep. I hate being sick.

9:13 a.m. - 2006-04-10


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