sourgurl77's Diaryland Diary



I'm tired of being sick. It's day three ... I'm on strong 5 day antibotic and also got a strong pain killer.

The pain killer, is shit. I took it twice and no longer am taking it. I've thrown up twice.

I accidentally took my birth control twice too.

Yesterday wasn't a good day.

So no more fucking pills, please. I'm just taking my antibotics and aspirin.

I didn't go to work cause I had another fever this morning. WG called last night, we talked from 8:45 to 12.

I read him some of my diary and realized that when we started dating, I was still "seeing" cop and fireman.

I felt upset cause I thought I had dumped cop ... and fireman, eh.

I apologized to WG cause I felt so...bad. He was like ... Jen that was the past.

He got upset that he waited so long to ask me out, etc. I was like...honey....don't even worry.

I told him how much I liked him and he sounded kind of upset and said sometimes he needs to hear it.

Regardless ... he was sweet to me and anymore he said I entirely have him under my spell etc. Makes me laugh when he says that.

We talked about sex and I got upset as the doctor told me ... that with antibotics I should wait until after my period to have sex w/o a condom.

Before.........I didn't wait that long. And I just felt odd that he said that. I get my period in a week.

I told WG we'd have to do condom fun this weekend and he said we'd see how that goes - we both dislike condoms, but I'm not ready to really worry about getting knocked up merely because I dont like condoms.

We said we'd work it out.

So odd to have sex now, weekend. Thursday, Friday, Sat and Sunday night. And next week he said he'd stop over (I get horny the week before my period) ... it's just ODD cause we both enjoy it.

We're whores.

NOTE WE do other things, movies, going out, etc. But now it's just another part of us. This weekend I'm planting flowers at his house. I hope I feel better.

I feel a lil better today. Need to go lay down soon, feeling tired.

1:07 p.m. - 2006-04-11


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