sourgurl77's Diaryland Diary


to now.

I'm feeling 99.9% better than I have all week. I think my body got used to hormones again and said goodbye to depression.
I feel nearly like my old self. Note the nearly because in a way, I still feel a tinge of bitchiness.

Regardless me and WG had a good time yesterday. I had a horrid day at work (did my job and my bosses) ... and I had a hair appt. at 7:30. Lucky for me, my hair stylist called and said I could come in early, so I left work and was there at 6:15 and out by 6:45.

With a good trim, my hair once again LOOKS healthy and is curling like mad. It's like when you pull weeds and suddenly all the flowers around them suddenly pop up.

I got home and we had pancakes and sausage for dinner. It was okay tasting. But I notice with him, I don't snack as much.

I'm trying to cook more, etc. Mostly because I'm broke to go to store (he pays too though) and am trying to get a lot of the food out of my fridge/cupboards.

We ended up talking and didn't watch tv at all and did some computer surfing. We talked on the couch and kissed a lil. His thing now is to get on the floor and kiss me while I'm laying on the couch. I mean I'm laying down and he's on his knees next to me. It's kinda odd, but we both were really into this last night.

We ended up having sex later on. The going limp thing has kind of stopped. Now he's having issues coming in me. Which is annoying in a way because after at least 20-30 mins of him thrusting in me (I come like 10 mins into it ...) I'm laying there with my hips hurting like crazy because of him leaning on them, etc etc.

So after all of that, he can't finish. So I have to give a blow job. So there goes 10 mins of blowing and then having to deal with spitting out, all that gruesome stuff. And I'm tired and wanting to lay down and recoop.

I feel sorry for him because I'd be upset too if I couldn't come ... but that's how I started and I said well ... after a few more times you'll get it back. So tonight my brilliant plan is to give a blow and right before he comes, for him and I to have sex.

I'm doubting that he'll do it, but we'll see. He also wants to go down on me tonight. Which I'm worried about as I feel odd about someone down there. I guess we have a good sex life, because lord when we kiss passionately, it's like madness with the hard kisses and touches and he pulls me in so close it's ... wow.

Right now I'm trying to get back into the weight loss mode. I feel flabby Jen. Looking at my legs and arms, I see that muscle is like gone. THOUGH I can say that each weekend for the past 2 weeks we've done house shit ... lots of sweaty work, and that we seem to walk around stores or go do things that involve exercise.

But I know I need to start next week back to the ol' gym. I told him we're going to try to lose weight if we're getting married.

We are going ring shoppin' on Sunday. I'm liking the three stone rings. With a larger stone in the middle, two smaller on the sides.

I liked a square stone ... ring, looks sort of vintage. But adored this one ring with two slant cut bagettes on the side, a large stone in the middle ... but it cost $6,000. To much .... I'm looking at a $2,000 budget, though WG says ... "get whatever you want."

I wanted to say, whatever I want, but keep it under $3,000. ;)

Still, a nice solitare is okay. I'm just not sure what I really want. I hate to even pick it out, knowing the cost and all that shit.

Poor Wg, since he's met me, has been spending money left and right.

Today I was sitting here thinking ... are we spending to much on his lil house make over? Tonight we're getting paint and mirror for bathroom and bedroom. That'll be at least ... $150 in total?

Then next weekend, two more cans. $50. Then ... that's it for now. We're going to buy new ceiling fans ... but in the furture ... but they are only $34 a piece (just basic white fan).

Anyway, I guess maybe it's not to bad, but we're both broke and will be until I get to move in July ... though he says he wishes it was sooner, like NOW. But I want to say, maybe, but I can't help with your bills until August.

And him living with me, I wish he could help me with my bills, but I know he has his OWN bills at HIS house to contend with.

Still, when I move in, I will be saving a lot of money. That's such a relief. I can actually, now, have a savings ... I mean me ... with money to spare.

My goal then is to pay off credit card, hoping to pay at least $100 a month until I get it down again. My deposit from my apt. is $320 ... that will go entirely on my credit card.

It sucks as today I got my medical bill from when I was sick. Knowing that was $82 bucks to pay (I think ... maybe it'll be lower as I didn't have blood test,etc) ... maybe $75. That will have to go on my visa :(

Then, I go to gyn ... will have to pay that. Then to dentist, will have to pay $25 buck fee ... argh. I'm running short again. I get paid the 19th, so I'm broke until then. Hopefully the gyn bill won't come until end of May, nor will the dentist fee. Argh.

My boss just told me I'm getting a 2% raise ... that's better than my 1% last year. So I'm cool. 50 cents more per hour?

Oh well I'll update late. I need to lose weight, I am trying to ... I need to. Just have to now.

2:18 p.m. - 2006-05-05


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