sourgurl77's Diaryland Diary


sneaky me

My friend at work came up to me today to tell me someone stole my fire.

Another girl has gotten engaged in the office. I disliked the whole "fire" thing, there was no fire to steal in the first place ... but okay. Take it, it's yours.

I congratulated her and thought my ring was prettier, but to each their own.

I admire my boss at work. She's a good boss, she's the weatherman whenever I need to know if it's raining this week and she's the consumer report when I wonder about buying something. She's got prices for everything.

I've never met anyone who could solve all your problems in mere moments. She doesn't let anyone shit on her and she keeps pretty straight laced. I admire that, and wish I could be like that sometimes.

Anyway, my work friend also asked why I haven't went for that job at the local college - a marketing communications type of job.

I said I probably wouldn't get it, and she scoffed that I wouldn't if I didn't try. So I agreed and am going to apply for the job ... although I need to steal an envelope from work to mail my things in ... and resume paper? Gone. Articles I once wrote? Missing in action... uh ... fuck my portfolio? Packed away somewhere.

I printed out three ads I created. And knowing I should probably send them something from my Diznay Days on the Cruize Shit ... I suppose I can print something on my printer (that is, if I .... have anything to print from?) Shit.

It's sort of hard to apply for jobs when you like have all your stuff in boxes and those boxes are across town and you're lazy to go get them and dig, dig, dig.

I'll settle for what's on my computer ... which isn't much. However there was a website I posted things on, to which I could print said items ... but...bah I'm sure it'd look like shit.

Oh well, I think my only hope is cracking open my storage closet to take a peek in my old interviewing bag and see if there are any papers left over?

BAH - I guess I'll take my chances and see what happens though I do need to steal an envelope still and probably some copy paper. >:)


Anyway. I went to the gym yesterday and felt sort of blah about it. Kind of bored on the ellipitical trainer and just wanted to leave. I was there 30 minutes. I'm going again today. I can't wait until October as I am going to quit that gym and go to one closer to where I work that has NO FUCKING CONTRACT, although you do pay more....uh. I don't know.

Regardless, I need to start losing weight. I know we're talking about taking an engagement photo and I'd like to trim down some for this. At least in my face.

My sister is sort of right about sex dying down. I mean it's still fun ... but not as important as before. We had sex last night and he thought it was good. I couldn't finish for some reason and then he went to long and I'm achy down there today. It's annoying when that happens and very very annoying when men go TO long. That's WG's worst thing ... goings way way to long. At the end my legs hurt so bad and I feel like they're going to fall off. Man....

He's been sexual the past two days, much so as touching, etc. It's okay but a weriod change ... maybe it's because I've calmed down sexually. Maybe that's why? I dunno. But it still is odd when he comes in me, I don't know why. I'm okay with it, but still there's that thought in my mind about accidents and what if's. That's a scary thought.

Okay I'm off to go steal paper and an big envelope. Sneaky me.

10:53 a.m. - 2006-06-06


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