sourgurl77's Diaryland Diary



The whole family fight thing blew over fast. I really hate fighting with family, it's always over something stupid.

So now I have a new dryer and now I move in ... wow ... in about 2 weeks. Crazy how time flies.

I washed two loads of clothes at Wg/fiance's "our house" ... and we finished up the bathroom painting and hanging a mirror.

I got very frustrated hanging the mirror and had to take a breather. Or else I was bound to kill.

I put away a lot of things and tossed out a lot of his old things like old curtains and stupid things people keep (boxes and boxes for what????)

I put away my comforters ... and went to open up the closet in the spare bedroom and lord the smell that came from there.

It smelled like something dead. It was coming from either pillows or two old blankets in there, so I threw them all out.

See WG has sinus problems and his gums bleed easily. He leaves stains on my pillows from it, and just now the dentist said to take vitamins for it and since then, he's been really good.

But I realized those old pillows were his old ones cause they reeked of ... whatever ... sinus? Blood? Something. It was disgusting.

I said "KEEP THIS DOOR OPEN" and put my comforters (in bags) in the top of the closet. Yuck.

I also cleaned ... 12 settings ... of his mom's dishes from her wedding. Her "fine china" ... it's white with a silver rim around everything. A dinner plate, salad plate, bread plate, berry bowl, cups and dishes, one sugar bowl and a gravy boat.

I cleaned them and realized we'll only use these for nice dinners/holidays/company.

So back to my crazy daisy correlle to which I can't find anywhere and ebay seems to high for what I get at the thrift store for a quarter!

I'm thinking of going to the Correlle -- blue snowflake or blue garland sets.

My mom had those and I always sort of liked them.

See his kitchen is so hippy and stuck in the 60's/70's. So I figured we'd run with the "look" and keep some hippy-ish - kinda cool retro things in there.

Think orange counter top, wall to wall tile in brown and ... man alive, dark dark wood cabinets.

Anyway, I tried to put away a lot. Got a filthy look when I threw all his clothes from his closet on the floor (they weren't even folded.)

So it's all coming together nicely. Just a few more loads of shit ... which is so fucked up cause I'm like why don't I just TOSS this shit out?? Cuz I took down like 5 boxes of shit to the basement .... which is like why keep it cause it's going to the used etc?

I told myself to go through the stuff again, maybe I can toss out/give away?

Anyway, we booked our hall and now we have a hall. :) We both were excited. In July (end of) we're going to pay booking fees for the music/photographer. After this, not sure where or what to tackle.

Don't want to start dress shopping just yet.... Would like to lose some weight ..................

Regardless --- found a dress online that I like, but unsure about where I'd get it fitted to me at?? I guess my friend (who works at a bridal store) said they could order it and then fit it to me ... me ... I'm thinking yeah but LOOK at my brides maid dress, had to redo the whole fucking thing!!!! To big on top and to small on bottom!!! I had to pay a lot to get it altered...really do NOT WANT TO HAVE to do that to my gown as .... you really can't redo a wedding gown!!!

Anyway !!!! I so need to lose weight. I have gained 5 pounds since ... I don't know when. I know we busted our asses Sat/Sunday at the house, but I miss the gym and miss the check I used to get for going. Now I have zero time to go. :(

I figure once I move in, I'll start up again.

Oh well, we're excited about the wedding and moving in, etc. An odd thing happend though - see I bruised my arm pretty bad about 2 weeks ago. My flip flop made me trip and to keep from falling I slammed my arm into my car..... creating this monster bruise on my elbow.

So during Father's Day his mom was like "Jennifer do you know you have a big bruise on your arm??" I was like ... (embarrassed) .... "Oh.... yeah .... I fell getting out of my car....."

So a few days pass and WG/fiance's mom calls him and asks him if he did that to me!!! She thought he hit me or was rough with me.

He said he'd never hit me (learned from his dad who used to hit the mom) ... and said I wouldn't stand for it.

He hinted that maybe it was "rough sex" ... which was another shock ... shock.

I told my mom this and she thought it was nice that she asked... ala "protecting" me in some way? I don't know.

I think his parents like me, but sometimes it's just odd and you wonder if they just like you because you're marrying their son or just generally like you. I know I make them nervous, but I know that's a trait in my family....we have a knack for being snobby looking and arrogant.

Even WG said I looked arrogant when he first met me, like I know it all, etc. etc. It's just an air I have, but am certainly not arrogant.

But she knows I'm kind/nice etc. I mean HELL the shit I'm done for their son ... how he is now, compared to when we met, is a big difference.

All he wore before was dark, dingy clothes. Now he dresses very nicely (I buy all of his clothes) .... so his wardrobe is really coming around finally.

Still I worry about when we go to Florida/on vacations ... he still can't fold right (balls things up) and wears wrinkled things and ... I'm still working on him with some bad habits.

But we live together well ... no big fights ... we argue here and there, but nothing major. It's odd but we really get along well ... it's like he's family. I mean I guess he is .. or will be ... I don't know. All I know is if he left me, I would utterly be heartbroken, not even that, just broken.

Anywayyyy I'm still having some issues with sex. I can't seem to come anymore. I dont' know why. I get the urge, but then it's gone. I think I have to much on my mind anymore. I feel bad for him cause he really tries ... but I think it's me - a mental thing - about it. Though the last two times was very very close.

He's been coming a lot though, he has no problems and he seems to be lasting longer, which is great for both of us. But this past week we did it Thurday through Sunday night. We never have been at it this much, I'm not sure what sparked us ... but I'm not complaining. I still enjoy it, even if I don't finish.

Anyway, his birthday is Saturday. I'm going to get up and get my nails done and come back and take a shower with him - probably have sex or give a blow or a hand job? Something. A happy birthday type of thing.

He wants me to get on top bad, and I said I would as a "present" ... ha ... I don't know yet.

I overspent on his birthday though, I know I did --- spent $40 at old navy, then dropped 30 at marshalls ... so $70 bucks ... I guess that's not to bad? He bought me a xbox game for my birthday and took me to the zoo, so I think that's even.

I'm buying him a cake though for his birthday ... atomic cake ... buttercream ... orange and blue flowers (bears colors) .... etc. I'm sending him some peanut butter kisses and a card in inner office mail - at work - I think I'll drop it in the mail tonight for him.

Oh well....I hope he likes his bday ... ;0) I'm taking him out to dinner Saturday .... and have cake at our house. etc. Fuck I must remember to buy candles.

Also I'm going to get superman tickets tonight for a 10pm showing tomorrow. Hope they didn't sell out ;-/

3:42 p.m. - 2006-06-26


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