sourgurl77's Diaryland Diary


new addition to the family - 'Roscoe'

Well. I am officially a a mother.

Me and my soon to be DH, adopted a beagle puppy on Saturday. His birthday is June 20th - a gemini - and he's 2 months old - male. Named Roscoe.

Here he is all his puppy glory (and filthy look because I wouldn't play with him/made him sit still for a pic).

He's not potty trained yet ... and we're trying desperately to catch him so he doesn't ruin our fucking house. The chewing isn't to bad, just a lot of "NO's"

First night I wanted to give him away, he cried the whole damn night, would sleep a bit, then wake up and howl/bark/bay.

Last night was a bit better, he really was zonked out due to playing outside all day/ less naps/play periods, etc.

I'm going to start walking him, though not sure just how as his neck is so small, a cat collar is to big, it just barely fits plus he hates it a lot, but will have to get used to it.

Fiance was thinking of poking a new hole for the collar, it scares me, I can see him choking himself to death.

Regardless, Saturday is the vet checkup. That ought to be fun. Another round of puppy shots -- $50 bucks a pop.

So.... yeah, I guess the collar will have-ta go on.

Anyway ... things are going okay, fiance was worried the dog might "come between us" ... since all we do is look after it, make sure it doesn't piss in the house, etc. Both of us under some stress (but not as much as with the cat).

So lil Roscoe is here to stay.

However, I am disturbed as I am seemingly the "alpha" in the whole "pack." Fiance never has owned a dog, and I'm the only one so far that feeds him and sees him at lunch. I also give reprimands when he's being bad (no hitting) and fiance is way to nice with his.

I've had to grab the scuff and gently/firmly shake him for not listening at all. I'm trying to get submissive training down - via dog whis pe rer on tv. Ala gently putting him on his back when I hold him and today after he nipped me hard, holding him down as if to say, HEY.

So he's slowly learning, I think leash walking will GREATLY improve this, as this shows dominance and that he is NOT the leader - he must walk along side me, NOT IN FRONT.

Also having to remember I go in the house first, THEN him. Another pack thing.

But for now, he's only a lil pup. Teaching to sit, stay, stop and come ... is a chore so far. Though SIT seems to have worked a bit? Not sure. Really must get the COME down, but it's only three days now that we've had him, he still isn't fully aware of his name?

But I want to train this dog right, our doxie was a lil terror, but I know it's because we didn't train him correctly. He's nicer now - listens good, but still is very pissed off if you bathe him, cut his nails or wipe anything off of him - ala grease from a paw, poo from his pootie ... etc.

Regardless, boring dog talk huh.

Okay whatever, am getting more exercise with this lil guy than before. Also less sleep. And no sex now .. with fiance cause of this lil pooch.

I'm happy to report too - that I'm .... finishing again. Though now with new dog stress, wondering if it'll stop again? Tonight he wants to have sex, and he has wanted it since Saturday night ... but we both were so tired and stuff.......

Oh well, my pill is affecting me again or else I am over tired? I feel like crying at the drop of a hat. Feel slightly depressed, not TO bad, but just feel crankish. I guess I want things back to normal somewhat, tired of watching this dog every second, but the thing is, he plays, he goes outside, then sleeps for an hour and a 1/2. Then repeat.

So it is stressful, and I know we're getting used to it. When it is potty trained, I know that'll greatly relieve a lot of the stress --- my fucking carpets are paying the price .... my grandmother's CARPET. And this basket from grandma - from the 1800's .... the puppy has tried to chew a few times, but I've really scolded him. So he hasn't tried again ... yet.

I guess it's more work that I anticipated. And I come to think about real life human babies and all of this, is kind of like a taste of it, except babies seem I guess easier in the sense they don't piss and shit on your carpet and don't chew your stuff.

This puppy, tried to chew .. a fucking leg of a rocking chair.

Now what the fuck is that??

He's eccentric already, a true gemini-pup.

I sort of just realized this as me and fiance's first like ... leap or committment thing ... yet. I mean I told him yesterday, we have to work in a TEAM with this lil puppy. I need him and he needs me.

Though he doesn't take care of it as much as I do. >:(

3:58 p.m. - 2006-08-21


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