sourgurl77's Diaryland Diary


sorry God!

Ah. A quick update.

Not much, anything really new has happend. Same ol' same ol.

I did join the gym. I haven't ... uh went yet. But I did join! Isn't that something? I also have a very good excuse of ... that time of the month and utterly gut renching cramps that comes with the use of my BC.

Sometimes I recall those golden days when I wasn't on BC and I never had cramps. Now that I'm on BC, I get horrible cramps. I thought it was supposed to RELIEVE them? Not worsen them?

Not to mention mood swings! And paranoia! And other stuff!

Okay yes, I do also have PMS if you haven't noticed.

Tonight I'm contemplating going to the gym, just to walk on the treadmill. Nix that I did sign up for kick boxing tonight, I really can't see myself lifting my legs and bouncing around with said cramps - and headache. No, a light walk or elliptical jaunt will be okay to do. Anything else, no.

Regardless, I am going to start going. And realized that I don't want to tackle w eig ht wa t ch e rs C ore, but am just going to count p oint s. Or not count, just eat better.

I'm still fuzzy about it all, crazy with holiday things. And then wedding things and oh yeah, being broke.

I just bought my tiara to wear, it wasn't to expensive, I hope it looks good. I have yet to buy: veil, foundation garments, slippers and jewelry.

I really hate all those people who get engaged and feel like they have to get married a month later - via shot gun wedding. Why do I hate those people? Cause the come up asking why I am waiting "so long."

I say, "what's the hurry?" Because your fucking wedding is going to be some cheap ass production cause you haven't saved and now everyone has to stand in line at a buffet.

No, mine is planned out to the max and will be a lovely event. I didn't want some quick thing, I have forever and I'm living with him, it's like we're married already. What's going to change by October. And for fucks sake people it's like fucking 10 months away or something now.

Anyway, on the 13th, it's actually 9 months away.

Which when I start thinking of that, the gym looks like a place I need to be at. I know if I really tried the weight would go off fast - because well I haven't exercised and have been eating bad lately.

Er....anyway, I find myself broke again. It's really annoying yet again to find myself with like 50 bucks to live on until the 14th. I know fiance' said to transfer 50 in from savings, but ... I said no, not until we really need it.

I get new glasses this Saturday. I finally took the plunge and put procrastination to an end. My glasses are on their last leg and when my mom said "how can you even see out of these, the scratches! What did you use to clean them, sandpaper??!" That's when I knew it was time. Also headaches galore too, and a crack/seperation of the lens from the frame too....yeah time to go!

I contemplated contacts. I really have. But I have astigmatism - meaning the lenses, though now soft, are like huge. And I already have small eyes, so I don't think it'd work out, and besides, I can't touch my eye, so I don't even want to deal.

So my plan is to buy some very nice glasses - meaning more lense, less frame. Very light ones, where you see ME and not the frames. Also getting lenses that are scratch resistent and non-glare.

So yeah, I'm figureing that bill ought to be nice, even with my shit insurance picking up some of it. Also the deal is for a pair of glasses, exam and sunglasses. ooh Ahhh. Say it....Sunglasses.

I've *never* owned a pair of sunglasses. I know I'm a goon. I'll never use them probably. To much hassle, unless I'm walking on the beach (what beach, where?) or uh ... driving ... in the sun.

Okay enough blabbing on. I'm really excited that Christmas is coming up, and that I'm nearly done with all shopping. So great to feel that, okay I have enuff gifts - well mostly - for everyone. Still have to buy my boss a gift. :( Wish I didn't have to. Contemplated just ... like getting some lame gift basket, but I will get the normal - movie tickets.

Anyway....... I'll try to update when I have newz. It's been dry, very dry on the job front. I realize with the holidays, not many want to A. change jobs or B. interview people for jobs. And I'm just wanting to C. get the fuck out of my job. But am finding D. NO jobs. Or E. I'm not good enough or ... F. It's christmas time and people are like "nah, will do that next week."

Oh yeah and I have to start planning my sisters baby shower. Bummer. Not really feeling like I even want to research this. The little things like theme and shit. And then buying ANOTHER FUCKING GIFT or shit FOR the thing. I know that's greedy to say, but ... really, she's helping this time. Favors for this ... are going to be simple. BUT WHY THE FUCK DO YOU NEED FAVORS FOR THIS?

Argh!!!! I foresee a lot of printing and ribbons and tying shit onto something. I'm doing the cookie cutter - and a recipe for "mother's love" or something gay like that.

Whatever. >:( I'm getting married, all attention should be on ME!!!!! >:(

I know that's even worse, sorry God!

11:07 a.m. - 2006-12-05


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