sourgurl77's Diaryland Diary



Super busy. That's what it's all about.

Things that have happend:
A. Went to friends wedding. Bride was "kidnapped" after dinner and gone 2 hours - more than half the guest left. I was pissed. Supposedly it's "family tradition" to kidnap the bride and make her do stupid shit. If only they realized that it's fucking two days before Christmas and traffic in that area is worse than downtown Chicago. I was mad mad mad.

B. Christmas was great. The dog got sick. Ham was good, presents good. Fiance surprised. Saw a movie - Night at the Museum - was really good. Got luggage from sister (good idea) and fiance got me perfume, lotion set and some figurines I've been wanting. And chocolate :)

C. We have a fucking MOUSE in the computer room. I'm sleeping - ala dead sleep - and he starts screaming mouse and I'm arguing half asleep that it's in his head, so I get up and he's on a chair and I'm like...where? So we head off to bed and I barrier up the door (how gay is that) ... and in the morning inspect where he saw the damn thing, and found a mouse turd. Fuck. So I plugged up a hole it might've gotten in ... bought two mouse traps....

D. Pinch my finger big time in mouse trap as I try to figure out how to set it. Set it- feel good that I "figured it out" and bam, set it off and pinched the pad of my left index finger. Ow. ow. ow. My finger is swollen and black and blue. The dog got scared when it went off and ran around the house with his ears back. I only hope that if he finds it, he'll eat it. Beagles are hunting dogs right?

E. Got my veil. Really like it.

F. Got my bustier. Really don't like it. Got a cup size larger - C. And it's huge and my boobs are like non-existent in it. So I have to sew the bra cups and I think buy some inserts like a fucking teenager. Great. Realized, I really have to lose weight. I look horrid, all fat pushed around, yuck. Considering buying just a full line girdle. Call it a day.....but worry about using the bathroom......

F. That's pretty much it. Just busy and nutty. Hate the whole "mouse" thing because fiance is afraid of mice and he just STARES down the hallway while we're in bed as if the mouse is going to come running down at us and tackle us and bite us. It's annoying. I told him to be a man.

Anyway. I'm going to get back on WW I believe. Something. I said that's my New Years Resolution. Seriously. I'm happy I didn't bum rush my wedding and have it like 2 months after getting engaged. I talked to fiance about that the other night, I said with the bills we have - engagement ring, wedding bands, flowers, hall ... there would be no way to pay for it all in such a short time.

Oh yeah been planning honeymoon .... it'll cost $2,230 just for hotel room and tickets to park. Airline is cheaper - $175 round trip out of lovely - former - murder capital of the world - Gary Indiana.

Er. Yeah. I just feel as if when the wedding comes, I'll be broke still. Who knows. I'm considering going back to school for a certificate in hospitality and becoming a travel agent. That'd be fucking cool.

Who knows. I don't anymore.

1:58 p.m. - 2006-12-29


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