sourgurl77's Diaryland Diary



Fuck I have the flu.

Sadly, oh so shitty. That I have no sick days left at work. I felt like shit on Friday. Today I felt like shit and I assume tomorrow I will too. I have a sore, scratchy throat and headachy, major aches and very tired.

A cough too. I dislike coughing though it's mild. Still annoying.

I get my period this week too. I have swim class monday and wednesday and all these things I wanna do.

Shopped around all day today, stupid thing to do when you don't feel well. Got a lot of things done. Bought out stores, and just blah. I've been in a bad mood for the past couple of days.

Not sure what to do with life, career. Not sure where to go, just know I dont' want to be here anymore.

Fiance feels the same, we want new careers, but not wanting to move all over creation. It's hard to find a new job suddenly. He won't work in chicago - we won't move to Illinois due to high taxes.

so indiana it is. For now, I don't know. Just applying here and there. It depresses me. I don't want to work forever, I want .... to raise my own kids when I have them, but it's like I can't stay home, maybe work part time, and what a sad thing. Today's society, we must work women's lib is gone.

I wish, it were back.

11:13 p.m. - 2007-03-24


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