sourgurl77's Diaryland Diary


wedding, wedding, wedding

I'm slightly disturbed that I left my diaryland wide open on my computer. I mean not on the screen, but un-signed-out.


Not that I care, really if anyone were to "go in" ... I mean I guess it wasn't really "open" but when I go to update and I don't have to type in a password, it kind of stuns you for a moment.

Okay yeah. I'm same ol'. I'm getting out of my depression/stress funk. Though right now I'm heading back into it. This all started Monday with having to much caffenine and not being able to sleep. I haven't been sleeping much as of late. Last night was no better as ... the thunder storm that ensued woke up the dog and he cried, and then stopped, then I couldn't sleep. He then woke up at 6:30 and cried all the way until my alarm went off at 7:10.

Stress came from my sister, whose basement flooded and sewage came in. This was due to some pump somewhere in Hammond, shutting down. I live in Hammond too, but we didnt get it?

Besides, I know better as all my shit in the basement is in plastic bins.

My sister, on the other hand, didn't do that as the basement is finished, with carpet and things aren't in plastic bins.

The clean up will involve ripping up carpet and ripping up walls. Also two antique carpets from my grandmothers victorian house? Yeah, dripping with sewage. They are off to get cleaned, two carpets at $150 each.

$700 for clean up (crew) ... and right now the water we used to get in our basement seems like nothing.

We only got a small puddle. A very ODD puddle near the chimney. The size of two large dinner plates next to one another.

I ponded if maybe the dog tinkled down there, but ... naw.

So tonight, in such loveliness as working all day, lack of sleep and stress, I get to help haul out books and funiture, etc. from the stinking basement.

Did I forget? My sister is selling this house and tomorrow they have a showing.

Some things make your life look so simple and great.

Right now I'm thankful this didn't happen to me, I couldn't handle it.

Good things that happend as of late is I've lost 8.4 pounds on WW. That's good to hear, though I've been eating crappy this week.

Also I'm going to that kickboxing class I always say I'm going to go to - on saturday.

Uh. I also had to clean my house in the span of my meager lunch house - because my parents are coming down because my sister flipped out about her basement. Lordy. My parents didn't come down when I have like fucking 2 inches of water in my basement!

So I quickly made up there bed and dusted and vaccumed and cleaned up the bathroom (the tub is a disaster).

What is fucked up, is we're getting more storms tonight and tomorrow.

Regardless, can you believe that the wedding is so near? I was looking at my registry and two items have been boughten, it made me kind of excited, I don't know why, but it was like wow......

Also I realized one of my registries was turned off for public viewing - my fault - so that was a shocker. Thankfully, everyone received there invitiations only a few days ago.

I think maybe about 20-25 will show. Eh. I just want all of this to get over with already. I want to LIVE my life and not pay on things and worry and plan plan plan.

I should've had a SHORT time between engagment and wedding. That I guess would be ideal, but waiting this long did allow us to save money to pay for it all.

I guess it's all give and take. I just wish it were all over and we were moving on. Ya know? It's all I talk about anymore, wedding wedding wedding.

3:54 p.m. - 2007-07-26


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