sourgurl77's Diaryland Diary



I can't believe it's now 2 months and 2 weeks until the big day.

I just learned this morning, from my Mom, that I probably have collitus. A stomach condition, that is hereditary, from dear ol' mom.

For the past 2 weeks I've had bad stomach pains, abs HURT (like I've done 100 crunches) and upset stomach (bathroom run). Not to mention weight loss (only GOOD thing).

I thought I had food poisoning or ate something wrong (been eating a lot of fruit). But alas I told my mom and she told me she wad diagnosised with that when she was around my age.

It comes and goes (says the medical books) and there is no treatment other than no pop or sugary foods or hot foods.

My mom thinks stress brought mine on. I've had this before, but never this bad. My stomach hurts all the time.

But I enjoy some weight loss, just not the other things. I'm trying not to let it get to me and trying to de-stress. I just am tired of after eating feeling pretty much ... like shit. Oh yeah and then shitting it all out. Lovely.

My stomach aches to think of my wedding day if this is still happening. It'll also be the week of my period, so ... yay that ought to be a fun day. :) But I'll take ibruption if I have cramps (it should be over by then) and if I get the cha-cha's I'll take pepto-bismo.

Done and done. I'm not letting anything ruin my day.

Regardless, eh, I'm just kind of pooty anymore about everything. I'm tired of worrying and stuff.

The only good and odd things is I went to the Avenue yestday and got clearence stuff. I was happy about a "good buy" for two pairs of capri's and a super coolio shirt, it was only $22.00.

Coupons rock. 70% off sales rock too. I also re-bought much needed make-up and am bidding on a purse from Ebay. We have extra money this month and I'm trying to buy "neccessities" that are much needed.

Though I've boughten TO MANY CLOTHES lately, everything for this honeymoon, now I'm looking at my fall clothes like "oh shit."


Regardless, I like this weight loss, though I went to the pierogie fest yesterday and had cheese and potato pierogies ... soaked in butter and a cabbage roll. Yum ...

And then a slice of ice cream cake (I bought for family) ... it was so good, I haven't had a GOOD piece of cake in a very long time.

I just can't wait for the wedding to be over, I can't say that I'm not excited now when I see FALL stuff out at the stores.

Wow. 2 months. It's been coming for a long time now. Now I wonder if I've frittered away the "joys" of engagement and planning. Am I REALLY getting the wedding I wanted?

I think so...just not happy about how many invited verses how many room holds. They say like 20% of the people invited do not come, but I read that is a hoax or that it's really 30% or 10%.

It's scary, not knowing if enough people WON'T COME.

When I know so so many WHO WILL COME.

Fuck! That's crazy!

8:39 a.m. - 2007-07-29


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