sourgurl77's Diaryland Diary



Things have been crazy lately.

I don't remember when I last updated.

I had my bridal shower. It went over, okay. His parents acted bad - came dressed like they just got 50% off of goodwill.

They didn't talk much, the mom bitched, and then while setting up yanked a favor out of my hand saying "I have them set up a certain way."

Note they did not pay for one thing, nothing. Not the food, favors, nothing.

At the end, they took ALL the food. They bossed around the staff and my sisters husband.

Other than this, it went over well. None of his family came except for his parents. My friends came and so did my relatives.

We got a lot of nice gifts, I got my Mikasa Italian Countryside dishes (yay) and Oneida silverware in Icarus.

Also got a lot of kitchen wear - ice cream maker, crock pot, and other things I cannot remember. A few gift cards to Macy's where I bought more of my dishes which were 50% off at the time.

I now have ... a month and some odd days! Remember when was a year?

I'm feeling the "crunch" and doing things, such as getting table items ready.

And ... calling for the limo (which I got in a fight w/ the lady coz she fucked up and tried to blame me. I said Oct. 20 and she thought "Aug 20" to which she sent a limo to CHICAGO for us. I told the lady "Why the hell would I book Aug. 20 when I fly out Oct. 14?"

All she said was "some people do that..." I said, "look if you said AUGUST at any point in our conversation, I would've told you OCTOBER."

She got mad and nearly hung up on me. I hate when people make mistakes and try to blame you. Fess up - biotch.

Regardless, my gym is closed for fucking 2 weeks. Next week is the second week, so I guess it's not TO bad. I lost 6 lbs today at my WW meeting. It's from being A. sick to my stomach a lot and B. water weight.

My siatic nerve is bothering me very bad lately. I don't know if it's the way I've been sleeping ... or working out...but it's gotten to be an everyday - back ache.

I'm going to go see a chiropratic friend of mine in two weeks. Maybe he can snap something back into place.

I know it's a pinched nerve.

Anyway, things are going okay. It's scary to think how close the wedding is coming up ... and how many little things there is to do. I'm trying to do all these little things NOW.

I'd like to start printing out the programs, I will after next week - we meet w/ the pastor to go over the ceremony. After that I feel I have a "greenlight" to start printing.

I also must call the violinist. I emailed him some time ago and no reply. Grrr. So I shall call and begin asking about my wedding as I have paid the man already $250.

And if he backs out, that will be something...ugh...I hate to think of. I can't see this happening, I hope that he simply has been to busy ... to uh reply or maybe doesn't check his email all that often.

Regardless...we also got a new bed --- a king. Which is very very nice to sleep in. We only had a full before!!!

I feel stressed though, anymore and have been moody lately. I guess it's all of these things and MONEY that gets me.

Money is the root of all evil. I believe this because I shutter to think of all the MONEY I have to spend in the upcoming weeks. Thank GOD for my parents and there gift of wedding money that will pay for all of the food and pay off the musician and photographer.

Think $3,000 with maybe $2,000 leftover.

It's just GETTING to the day that worries me. We have to still get his tux and my wedding dress alterations and buy 50 or 60 taffy apples. And pay the pastor $200 for his "service" ... which does make me mad as I did do FREE graphic work for the church. You'd think at least they could knock off $100. If I had charged them, it would've been ... wow ... probably $200 or more! I did 4 business cards for them, and send to printer AND talked w/ printer to make sure they printed okay! >:(

Other things ... uh ... I guess get our marriage license ... and get everything together for the honeymoon .... I guess it's not TO bad when I think about it.

I also have to start tanning. I know there are those who HATE it, I am one of them, but for this little amount of time, I think it's OKAY. I don't want to be leather and don't want to look orange.

Just lightly toasted.

I start going in September and then a few times in October. I also get my hair done the week of the wedding, that ought to cost a very pretty penny in the tune of $130.

Money money money. It's so hard to plan things when you're broke and you have no savings.

So fucking sad.

I also got called for a possible job interview. Granted this place is 25-30 mins away, I got a "preliminary" interview today and if I "pass" that, then I will be called by the end of the week. If I don't, I really don't care.

I also - lost my fucking drivers license! I dont' know where it is. I know I went to buy my mattress, the guy gave it back to me, and after that it disappeared. I think I threw it out with some papers in my purse - as I was changing purses.

Regardless, I have a nice PINK id now - as it says "dup. drivers license" on the top of it. I worry that when I go to FLY that they might QUESTION this. I contemplate putting my passport into my bag...just in case.

Though I figure, a license is a license, obviously they issued it to me.

So anyway, so many crazy things ... anymore. I'm just happy we have a lot of things paid off -- the flowers, invites, and wedding bands. All paid off.

If only we could come into some money, somehow. I don't know how, or maybe learn how to properly save money.

I don't know, I just wish time would fly faster so this wedding would be over and I can START my life. Move and have kids.

Also my dog is acting very very bad anymore. I really contemplate locking him up sometimes ... or getting a pen outside. He's either really good or really bad. Bad as in digging in the couch or stealing trash/papers/shoes or running all over the house knocking things over, etc. It's very annoying when you're stressed and tired.

I can't wait until he gets older, they say when they turn 1 they calm down, but that's not true. He's just as nutty.

Even after the neutering. Still crazy. It really grates on my nerves ... especially when he stills trash OR digs holes in the yard AND comes in with muddy paws.... I really let him have it when he's bad - you'd think he'd learn. Though I do strike fear in him ... which I like because he needs to know who's boss.

What is getting to me is he walks around CRYING all the FUCKING TIME. In the morning I get ready for work and hear "mmm mmmmmm" before bed if I shower with the door shut it's all the hear. He just WALKS around CRYING FOR NO FUCKING REASON.

It drives me NUTS. So I hollar at him, "ROSCOE SHUT IT!"

It works sometimes.

8:52 p.m. - 2007-08-21


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