sourgurl77's Diaryland Diary


lose weight

I just had to add this entry....

Well. I went tanning today - note this is after a very bad morning with dog - whom I had to bathe because of A. mud on paws and B. hair lossage (shedding badly.)

Wasn't happy.

Uh... so I go to tan.

I'm still angry from dog. I get my 9 mins in da room. I go in and undress, slather on lotion.

I hurry to get into bed.

I lose my balance a bit and kind of just slide in.

I hear crack.


I get out - as it cracked in two places and I am DUMBFOUNDED. I get out quickly, expecting to see blood coz it jabbed me.

I think WHAT DO I DO? I see the bed start to light up and I'm pressing BUTTONS SO IT TURNS OFF.

I stand there. Do I just LEAVE? Do I never come back again!??!?!

So I get dressed and go out and say, "that bed has a crack down the middle ... I don't think it's ... safe......." The girl says ... "what...oh yeah ... oh um.... go to bed 10."

I go to 10 and all is FINE.

I'm laying there thinking: are they going to charge me? Was there a crack in there BEFORE? And me in there did it in??? AM I THIS FAT I CRACKED FUCKING PLASTIC?

I am still DUMBFOUNDED! My worst NIGHTMARE comes true!

I reckon --- because I HAVE TANNED in that bed before and have tanned now FOUR TIMES ... each in diff. beds ... none of which obviously BROKE --- I reckon that A. there was a crack(s) or B. when I fell in, my elbow shattered it (you're not supposed to use elbows/knees).

But mostly I just feel fat. I feel like one of those fucking commerials...."I knew it was time to lose weight, when I went into the tanning salon and shattered the glass with my fat ass."

But I've been reading up, and I read how even little girls have shattered it and if there are ANY cracks/splits it'll happen to ANYONE.

So it's hard to GATHER how I should feel other than I NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT.

2:40 p.m. - 2007-09-16


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