sourgurl77's Diaryland Diary


Wedding pics link


Today's an odd day.

I changed over my name to my new name. It was kind of easy.

I took 1/2 day at work because I have a cold and spent from 11:30 to 1:30 going to the driver's bureau, my bank, walgreens for meds and then to the Social Sec. center.

I finally got home and baked two boxes of brownies for Halloween tomorrow (work).

My dog flipped out, ate my favorite pen.

The meds make me feel loopy. So I got energetic and vaccummed the house.

I also ... got my new carbo addicts book that I'm starting to read (which is where my dog stole my pen from.) I feel shitty since I haven't been exactly sticking to it -- hence stopping of weight loss. LAST WEEK when I did stay on it, I did lose!

Uh my job interviews ALL SUCKED ASS. I'll be surprised if anyone calls me back. The one in Indiana was a laugh. No way, it's worse than the job I have now and that says A LOT.

Regardless, I've faultered on my low-carb dieting and had McD's for lunch. THOUGH NO POP/Caffenine. So at least THAT is going right.

It's hard w/ candy around the house. :( Thankfully tomorrow it'll be over.

Uh. Made an appointment with my new gyn. I go in April --- but since I'm new, I had to make this appt really ahead of time, they were taking for AUGUST, but thankfully the nurse found me one in April ....

I'm sort of nervous. I'm used to the ol' Indian/Arab woman looking at my coo and then saying I really need to "loooose weight."

Now I have a black woman -- I've never met - yet has worked 14 yrs in the field.

Note I'm not racist, but am happy to have this lady as maybe I can understand her better --- my old one was very hard to understand AND ... the really wasn't to good. She told me -- after being tested -- that I didn't have PCOS. THEN HER daughter (also gyn that works there) said, "well the tests may show that you're okay there, but YOU STILL COULD HAVE IT."


So that's also why I'm changing and the fact last time she nearly ripped me in TWO. I mean I felt like a VIRGIN again. That's how painful it was.

Also I want to get on Yaz birth control. And well maybe next year have a kid. The new doctor specializes in a lot of infertility things --- you know JUST IN CASE --- I have issues.

So we'll see.

It's scary, I'll just be very upset that day and maybe...uh....I don't know, call off work.

I also am taking in my car this friday to get fixed. My poor ford focus ... she's really been riding poorly. I need tire alignments (go over train tracks daily and pot holes) ... and I think my back brakes are going. I hear a "thunk" sometimes when I back up AND have a slow leak in my front tire.

Sooo eh. I guess I'll go to work tomorrow. I have a lot of things to do. I just am tired and feeling crappy and already today when I worked 1/2 day had bitch in my face blahing about things I NEED TO "now, not a month later."

I wanted to say something, but didn't because God knows I need another "you have an attitude" meeting, though it's her that says shitty things to me.

I'm better than that bs.

Regardless here is a site where my wedding pictures are:
Wedding Pictures

CLICK for larger view ---> That's us!

4:46 p.m. - 2007-10-30


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