sourgurl77's Diaryland Diary


going with the flow

It's been a week and a 1/2 since surgery. I feel almost back to normal.

The only "hurt" or "stinging" is from two stubborn incisions in my abs - my stomach incision also is touch and go, but it's just annoying pain, like a paper cut.

Regardless, I can breathe easy now that it's all over. However, with getting all these medical bills (or insurance informing me of impending medical bills) it's making me very nervous.

It's already in the excess of $400-500 and this is NOT with the surgery. Today I got another "impending" bill for an x-ray (I assume they did before sewing me up - to make sure I didn't have any hidden gallstones) - and that alone will cost me, I think, $75.

We're on the highest insurance too! It makes me laugh, I mean when do THEY start to actually pay?? I mean they only pay probably 20% of the bill, while I pay the remaining. I need to look at my insurance - deductible - I think it's high ... even though we pay out the ASS for it.

I really hate the healthcare/medical care costs in the US. It's utterly nuts! I mean we don't get paid or there are no jobs, everything is HIGH priced - even FOOD, I mean fruit nowadays or a gallon of milk? HIGH. Gas is high. EVERYTHING is high. NO wonder we're in for a recession, perhaps if we lowered fucking healthcare costs and taxes and gas and FOOD PRICES or got RAISES we might be able to, I don't know...LIVE???!

Anyway, I have a job interview - on the phone - next Tuesday. It's for a graphics job -- but it's far away in Indiana. It's in SouthBend! It's like nearly 2 hours from where we live now. We'd definitely have to move, there really isn't a half way point, I mean the only halfway point is where we'd have to each drive an HOUR to where we work.

I just have to wonder if I DO get this job, what would hubby do? I guess commute until he got another job?

I would definitely be the bread winner, and it'd be kind of odd/hard to do this with the failing housing market.

So sometimes I wish that I DON'T get the job! I know it sounds odd, but sometimes all the hassle just ... ah ... I don't want to deal with.

Regardless, I'm going out today, for the first time in nearly a week. I feel sort of odd and a bit scared. It's funny living without your gallbladder. It means so much when you eat now. If you eat wrong, you will pay later on with numerous trips to the bathroom.

We're getting pizza and I know I cannot order my normal poppers or fried mac n' cheese. I just cannot handle the fried foods anymore. I will order a salad and share pizza I think. The pizza, I am thinking about asking for light sauce and cheese...but eh.

I also might ... treat myself to a pop! I haven't had POP for AGES. A month or more at least! I mean a straight up COKE. No diet or whatever, just a nice glass of my COKE. I adore coke sooo soo much!

But I hope that doesn't set me off either, it's very ... difficult to experiment with foods when you're OUT and about. Who wants to have a bathroom rush in PUBLIC.

It's bad enough - that when your gallbladder is gone - that when you ... uh ... fart --- it smells incredibly bad. And so does your poo - like MORE SO. I think it has to do with the bile and nothing to reserve it. Ick.

Oh well, the only bright side is weight loss. :) Though with my period coming, I've been overly hungry.

So anyway, I so worry about bills right now. That and trying NOT to get prego. Life was so much easier when I was on the pill....but it also (I think) created my gallbladder attack (stones) ... and made me crazy. Still - when you're trying NOT to get prego and really hate to use contraceptives (i.e. condoms and films) ... it's just blah. Turn off.

I am trying not to get prego until JUNE. As we're going to florida again in December and I really don't want to go if I'm so very knocked up.

Ah. We shall see what happens with EVERYTHING. Life right now can go in SO many directions. I plain on just really not plaining anything anymore - just going with the flow.

2:56 p.m. - 2008-02-22


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