sourgurl77's Diaryland Diary


BabyPredictor Fun

I had my "reading" about when I am going to conceive. Here is what I got:

Thank you for being patient with me while i got back to you reading. They are showing me a GIRL and they relate her to SEPTEMBER so this is either birth month, conceive month or the month you find out in. I see someone who is very happy and easy going child, seems to be quite content to just go with the flow and follow where you take her. Shes always someone who I would consider to be very mature for her age, always relaxed and enjoyable to be around. Likes to sit with the adults when shes around 11 to just sit and talk and see how everyone is doing. Shes not one to cause any problems, is always the ones that the parents trust the most to keep an eye on everyone when its a family gathering. Knowing if something badly was to happen she would have no problems with telling a parent and explaining the situation.

Shes got a very caring personality, someone who only give her opinion or advice when shes sure of the information shes about to pass on. When she knows that someone is having an issue in life, is the first person to really look into things a lot further. She loves to be considered helpful and really feels good about being able to point people in the right direction for things, regardless of what it happens to be. She's always so kind and thoughtful'

When it comes to career paths, they show your daughter connected to more of a "consultant" I see her linked to the medical field and usually meets with people to give them their options, the costs and the procedures involved. I would consider her to be highly education in her field and is well known within the field.

When it comes to marriage I see her closer to 26, they will have one girl and one boy of their own.


Aw. How touching? It's so very hard not to pretend that I don't really feel somewhat HOPEFUL from a reading. But I might as well just ask the magic 8-ball what my future is. Isn't it the same thing?

Regardless, I was happy about it somehow. I guess it's the whole HOPE thing - I thought, Hmm September, I hope I conceive there, because I'll be 31! And really don't want to be 33 when I have a child....

Anyway, I am going to keep on trucking with trying. It's really something because I very much worry about not getting pregnant by October and having to see the gyn again and feel like a fertility failure.

I am taking natural progestrone cream and my herbs and my prenatal. Today I felt very tired of doing all of this, and seeing no results.

My period is supposed to be starting next week or the first week in June. I guess that ought to show if these things I'm doing is working.

I know with charting my temps - I have NOT ovulated. I have no higher temps. Just all very low.

I still keep thinking ... Okay maybe that surgery is still fucking with my body (4 months now) and off the pill now - around the same time.

Oh well, still truckin'

I also might be getting a new job. :)

I interviewed yesterday - for a graphic artist job at a ca s i n o.

It seems I'm FIT for this job, and today got a call about my "contact" number. I was confused about this because my phone number is ALL over - on my resume and email I sent out, etc. The woman mentioned references ... and then mentioned ... email and my interviewer.

It was confusing to say the least. I caught her off guard. We'll see.

9:20 a.m. - 2008-05-22


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