sourgurl77's Diaryland Diary



I'm tired. DH and I are weekend warriors, in fact we started Thursday through Sunday being so very busy.

Thursday and Friday we walked in two parades! I think probably 5 miles worth of walking in two days. Friday after the parade, we went home and he mowed the grass and I puttered around and got our railing in the backyard ready to paint.

We were dead after all that work and very sunburned! Saturday we sort of took it easy, but none the less, ran around. We looked at some housing - they build for you - and I found a house I completely adored AND in our price range.

The only drawback is the "hidden" things like you install your own landscaping - which means grass and trees. We'd need a fence installed too. That right there probably is $4,000 extra!

Anyway, Sunday we laid the rest of the concrete on our back porch. It didn't exactly match the rest, but it was close enough, and I thought we did an okay job for people who'd never worked w/ concrete before.

I meant to paint the railing - dark brown - but was too tired and it was way to hot to paint. The dog completely had a melt down, it was so hot for him! I filled up a tray of water and dunked him and of course he had to run around the yard like a fool because he was wet.

Anyway, I weighed myself today and WHAT THE @)#&$ I gained like friggin 5-8 POUNDS!?!? Hubby said "what are you doing you just ate" ... which I did, but STILL.

So I'm re-evaluating my eating habits and kicking myself because since last week I've been BUSTING my ass doing all sorts of things. I'm hoping this "gain" is muscle from being continually busy.

None-the-less I am going to the gym tomorrow and lunch tomorrow is fruit w/ smart start cereal and skim milk and water.

I must get the candy bucket off my desk, it's not helping and the cups of coffee I've been drinking at work, and lord today wasn't good either.

BUT tomorrow is a new day.

I also had a very short period - 3 days of light bleeding. I dont' know how I feel about that, my lovely messed up ovaries. I started taking soy and will stop on the 9th.

Supposedly it makes you ovulate, so we'll see. I already see the difference, although I did start taking B6 vitamins - but I know this is TMI but I'm ... more ... should I say, moist down there? Also I have a chemically, odd smell.

But definately MORE, yuck, moist. So very groady! I just read that B6 does that to you. I guess that is good because I have NOT had a lot of mucus and you need that to conceive!

Regardless, I guess I ought to be happy that I'm ... not pregnant yet. I know that's hard to say, but I'd like to be OKAY - on my leave. You have to work a year for the FMLA to kick in.

So, if I get pregnant ... this month, then ... May would probably be my due date. Thankfully I started my new job on June 7th, and my company has their own "emergency" leave plan that gives you 6 weeks. So I'd be OKAY. ;)

Anyway, this whole thing is crazy. I was looking at the new houses and DREAMED of living there. I SO HATE where I live now!!! I do not want my child to be here very long with gun shots and loud bass and revving engines and bums and whatever else you can think of.....

Sometimes I dream of putting up the house NOW. I always wanted everything to be put together before I got pregnant - but I doubt that'll happen.

And hubby is looking to get a new job and applied at a promising place. Lord I wish he'd get $40,000 a year. Then we'd be combined -- 75,000 a year!

LOVELY. But I think he'll get $38,000 or 36 if anything? HELL it's better than nothing. I just PRAY he gets an interview!

Regardless, I feel blah and am getting a bad headache. Lord knows I have to get my things ready for the gym tomorrow. This weight gain is ridiculous. I read that having your gallbladder out ... causes you to gain weight because you digest fat totally differently, I'm starting to believe this because it's SO HARD for me to lose weight. I mean I guess I ought to eat NO fat at all like before. I hate this struggle!

Times like this I seriously think about taking diet pills or something drastic like surgery. I mean I don't eat as much as other people, I exercise...and still I gain!? WTF?

9:31 p.m. - 2008-07-07


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