sourgurl77's Diaryland Diary


Hope's a bitch.

Just a quickie update.

Things are still going well at work. I'm de-stressed -- FINALLY!!

It's very odd, the only "stress" is from home, when the dog acts up or a fight with Carlo. I have not had that "heart attack" feeling at work - when you're so busy/stressed you feel shaky and just plain nuts.

So that's good!

My other concern right now -- is another ... am I pregnant? Moment.

I took soy during the start of this cycle and it appears - according to my chart - that I ovulated very early in my cycle!

I'm talking on day 13! This has *never* happened before. It's the soy, it has to be. I've had a slow temperature rise and today went above my coverline - so I'm 3 days past ovulation.

I had sex the day BEFORE I ovulated.

So today my boobs have been very sensitive. I'm unsure just why and I am *very* bloated - I can barely get my rings off. I also am cramping - yesterday I had some stronger cramps and today it's been off and on.

SO I'm probably WRONG in this whole THING.

But it's kind of like... uh ... well ... hm. Tomorrow's temperature should tell all, if it's still high, I am going to start on my natural progesterone cream - to keep my temperatures high.

I mean even if I'm NOT pregnant, I am *HAPPY* that I ovulated so quick in my cycle and just MAYBE can get it down to 28-day cycle.

Last month it was 32 days. The month before was 35. So it *is* going down in days.

I also have been eating better and getting exercise in - here and there.

SO MAYBE I am getting things in order - inside?

I hope so and would be OVERJOYED if I were pregnant right now. But ... I'm not going to fool myself.

With crazy periods and this month being odd....last month I did not ovulate...I'm not going to fool myself.

Hope's a bitch.

6:02 p.m. - 2008-07-16


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