sourgurl77's Diaryland Diary



I'm so very very tired.

It's been a horrible week. Last weekend DH had a bad skin infection.

Monday through Wednesday I took him to Urgent care. Then turned into IV's of antibiotics and Monday they got the goo out of the infection (on his stomach).

Wednesday when the doctor (HORRIBLE doctors there, no pain meds for procedures and DH in SO MUCH PAIN) ... anyway the doctor admitted DH into the hospital.

Today DH had surgery to clean out the area. Tomorrow he's supposed to come home.

So 2 nights 3 days in the hospital. I'm going to be in the poor house. 3 days in Urgent care, I'm going to be in the poor POOR house.

I'm very tired from running around and I've cried for the past few days.

I took our dog to my sisters house to watch him. So she chains him up outside and goes inside to get her child. She comes outside...and...the dog is GONE.

Zoom to me at the hospital, unaware of my dogs break-out. I get a call from the vet asking if I had a dog named Roscoe. "Yes" and where he was. I say... WHY? And she said a cop just dropped him off.

I said, a beagle??! With a green collar? "Yes" So I say THAT IS MY DOG I WILL BE THERE TO PICK HIM UP.

Soooo then there is a fiasco of me calling my mom who says my sister is FRANTIC and CRYING and driving/walking all over trying to find the dog.

SO I drive over to my sisters house and am LOOKING FOR HER all OVER. And driving around and around. FINALLY I find her and the look on her face is scared and shocked and upset, so I blurt out, I FOUND HIM HE'S AT THE VET! She she runs over to my car and starts crying and I start crying and I tell her it's OKAY and that he's fine, he's just a dumb beagle.

SO I go pick up the dog and he's covered in SHIT. So I go home, bathe him AND clean up the house (having company soon) and I'm freaking because of all the fucking DOG HAIR.

Anyway, I go back to the hospital and get dinner and just sit there and am so very tired.

I didn't eat all that well today, though did have a lovely coffee and muffing from Dunkin Donuts, which I am thinking about going tomorrow too! ee!

I bought a Weig ht W a t chers magazine today and read through it and decided yet again that I might start up that program again.

Why? Because I need to lose. I want to get pregnant and feel there is something wrong and have read how losing weight/exercise can help you conceive.

I drank way to much pop today.

Tomorrow is another fiasco. I need to go grocery shopping. I need to call the old lady across the street to see who she uses to cut her lawn or maybe I'll just fucking do it tomorrow.

I don't know, all I know is I'm burnt out and on the verge of tears all the time.

Life is so hard sometimes.

9:42 p.m. - 2008-07-24


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