sourgurl77's Diaryland Diary



Busy is not even the word that I've been experiencing.

I really dislike being "busy" all the time, but anymore, at work, my new job - though I love it - I'm just busy all the time.

We opened up a whole new area and this, they say, will make "history."

I've dealt with guests and been a good worker with bending over backwards.

I do enjoy it and am feeling comfortable again in a job. Knowing my limits and finding a ladder to climb.

A good thought of the day:

My friend asked how long we'd been trying for a baby. I thought about it and then looked at my charts for the past three months.

I realized, that I really *haven't* been trying.

We had sex -- 5 times in MAY. June only 2 times! July only once!


So I don't feel so bad about it and in AUGUST we are going to actually TRY.

I have a plan - a fertility recipe:

and a sex plan:

Also on the sex plan - is an article about SOY ISOFLAVONS - which is supposedly natures clomid.

I guess we'll see. PLUS if hubby is okay to perform da act - since he's only a week out of surgery. He has two weeks to SHAPE UP.

Speaking of shape up, he's lost 40lbs since we've been married! We found that out today, I'm so proud - I know it's because we've changed our eating. Yay.

Also - I'm starting to lose again because my job - I walk/lift things SO MUCH. Good good. And I sort of eat better, but have an addiction to POP again. Fuck.

ANYWAY. We are going to try try for real. The OTHER good news, is I DID ovulate when I thought I did! I Ovulated EARLY this cycle due to soy. We did have sex the day before, but I didn't get pregnant, and unsure - I think mostly because of the stress from hubby - and his medical issues and work.

It didn't happen, but at least the soy did work, I also should've started my progesterone cream, but I did not. I will not make that mistake next cycle.

Oh well. I should start my period any day now.... Then it's on to round 1 of baby-making fun.

I just question if I should still see GYN? I mean I seriously have NOT been trying all that much. Feb. had surgery and got off pill. March didn't try. April, sort of tried, but not really. May same thing. June did not try, July did not try.

Um. I guess I'll see......

I just feel *good* about ovulating and thinking my body is getting back into the groove of things.

If only my period would start.

7:37 p.m. - 2008-07-30


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