sourgurl77's Diaryland Diary


we'll see

Good News!


Thanks for everyones prayers.

He interviewed for the customer service/sales job and got called today. He starts next Thursday.

They'll raise his salary for the next two months (depending on if he does a good job) and he'll be making what he made before.

I'm just happy that this nightmare is finally over.

Also, I did sign up for freelance - from this website - and we both are going to start graphic freelancing.

I think it'll be good to have some extra money - projects are pretty expensive - I bid out three things I could do - and each was about $100 or $150 a pop.

It's weird to come to a point in your career where you can demand. Simply demand. I will not do any project for less than $18 an hour - and that's cheap. I should be charging at least $30 an hour.

But oh well, I'll ask for more in the future.

I'm just so very happy that life can get back to something kind of normal.

Also, my period did not show up. :(

But with all the stress, I can see why. Now I'm left thinking ... how the hell am I to count my days? I've been bad with keeping my temperature, etc. So I have to re-start it all.

We can start trying for a baby again too. :)

Uh I am going to go see the doctor in October because I think I need fertility meds. I think I have a luteral phase defect, something. My temps never raise to high.

So...argh. I wanted to get pregnant by now.

Regardless, I'll try not to freak just right now and bask in the "he got a job" light.

I also have to plan a trip to Las Vegas - due to the fact - we canceled our trip to Florida, but the SHIT airline wont' refund, so we have to use up the money.

Thankfully, I work for a casino who owns a whole BLOCK there, so I can get some good discounts.

Oh well. Things are looking up finally.

Also, I got the writers itch ... suddenly ... and have a story in mind to write. I think it's a great idea and actually I have to RESEARCH for it because I don't know entire a lot about the subject.

Note: I write in sci-fi ... actually twilight zone ... type of stories. I haven't written in so very long.

I also am toying with beginning violin lessons again, they always made me very nervous, but did keep my mind quite sharp. You really have to pay attention and what more PRACTICE.

Ah. We'll see.

8:26 p.m. - 2008-09-04


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