sourgurl77's Diaryland Diary



I'm very stressed.

I really hate the fact that the three man roads that lead to home are so backed up, that what takes me usually 20 mins to get home, took me a FUCKING HOUR TODAY.


Thank these fucking hurricanes that swooped down on us and messed up the highways.

I almost got in 3 accidents! THE three main roads - can you please tell me what I'm going to say?

YES. ARE IN ROAD CONSTRUCTION. Two lanes down to one! Who's the brain trust who thought up this plan?

I really *HATE* where I live sometimes. They take FOREVER ... FOREVER to do anything. Lazy!! I mean the one road has had construction SINCE I left my old job!

Like ... wow since MAY/JUNE.

What is so funny. HILARIOUS.

Is that I am okay at work, but when I drive, I get stressed!!!

I'm happy in the morning, but once I leave...I drive 5 minutes and then stuck in traffic all the way home.

Tomorrow I am leaving work early, I figure if I leave at 3, I can get home ... by 4:30?

So crazy and w/ gas prices, waiting in stop and go traffic! I cannot tell you all the pissed off people ... I mean everyone's going to have a heart attack. Such bad bad bad mojo.

We *still* have water in our basement, it's *STILL* seeping in from this flood! We also still have buildings underwater. So bad, that today a house blew up - because the gas company forgot to turn off their gas. Whoops! Two other houses caught on fire too.

I just have to wonder, why the heck I have all these bad things happening to me? I mean seriously....the evil eye is on me!

Also, I am getting fed up w/ trying for a baby. It's so frustrating because I have So many things that I wonder about.

I know I haven't been having enough sex, it's my own fault. Maybe that is why I get so upset?

I am also going to buy the clear blue easy fertility monitor - because I hear so much about how good it is, good and expensive.

I just simply want to see WHEN I ovulate. I'm tired of depending on my BBT chart - which is always fucked up.

I cannot sleep well, it's rare I get a full 8 hrs and even rarer that I dont' wake up at odd times of the night. I mean with stress and insomnia or loud neighbors or my dog crying ... I'm a light sleeper. So I tend to wake up a lot.

I'm still very agitated from today. Ugh! They also are laying off where I work. Our department got a hit and we survived it. In the future they said there could be more. I feel sort of safe, but still you can never be 100% anymore.

Anyway, I am also joining the gym again, it's just been so nutty in my life I need to work it off.

Uh ... anyway, I just feel FRAZZLED to say the least right now.

7:40 p.m. - 2008-09-18


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