sourgurl77's Diaryland Diary


who knows.

Wow. What a very very long day.

We took the dog into the vet for his shots and to find out why he's itching so bad. It turns out our dog has allergies and also has a cold to boot. So $200 dollars later, our dog is still feeling bad. I gave him the antibiotic and this cough medicine and he really is needy and just plain tired/low energy.

It upsets me because it's like he's my own child. I went to the store and he gave me the saddest look I've ever seen. He was peaking through the door watching me and it seemed like saying "Please don't leave me."

Regardless, he ought to feel better soon.

We also did a walk for charity and I got sunburned - not to bad, but ... I absolutely hate ... getting burned. My skin is so fair.

I went grocery shopping and by the time I got home today --- running around from 8 am to 6 pm I was very ragged. I then started cooking up some sauce - for the lasagna I'm making for my sister and my mother-in-law and a pan for us.

Yes. Three pans of lasagna. Garfield would be happy.

I'm feeling sort of blah myself. Just very bogged down anymore.

We are taking our contractor to court and I'm very stressed out about the whole thing.

I am taking 1/2 day at work Wednesday and driving out to file my case. I DO NOT KNOW what I'm doing at all. I have been reading up on it and am just plain SCARED.

On a side note, I'm stressed a lot about upcoming things in my life. This court thing, then upcoming gyn appointment that I'm going to say CHECK ME ... so I can see what the shit is wrong with me.

So stress is no stranger to me. I also am starting up at the gym again because I really ... wow ... need to.

So ... lots of things lately. I just wish somehow I didn't have to go to court, but it seems I must because this guy has NOT done the work, keeps dragging his feet, etc. I have sent numerous notes and left messages threatening legal action. Nothing.

So ... here we go - I contemplate letting my husband TALK in court because I feel so very afraid, but I am the one filing, so who knows.

9:05 p.m. - 2008-09-20


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