sourgurl77's Diaryland Diary



I decided today, well this week, that I'm going to lose weight.

I went in for a free biometric screening and found out my cholesterol is even HIGHER than last year.

This, I think, in part is due to my new job where the cafeteria is all high fast, fried foods. I know there are salads and soups and cereal, but I got VERY dumb for a while and ate wrong.

My blood sugar is okay. My blood pressure was up, but that was because there was a needle in sight. See I've become DEATHLY afraid of needles.

Therefore ... I am going to restart Weight Watchers and I just rejoined my gym.

I went to the gym today and see how out of shape I am and it's very upsetting. But I am determined to get back into shape.

I am joining the WW online. I've never done that before, but it's a first and I think if I'm paying $60 for three months, I probably will DO IT because I hate to waste money.

Regardless, I feel GOOD about this. Right now I'm concentrating on ME. I see my doctor next week and am going to ask about my chart and tell her that I'm going to REALLY start trying but want her to see my chart and I'm not ready for big tests yet.

I dread the scale.

Can you believe it. I weighed 316 on Wednesday?

The guy marked 307 saying he took for for my clothing. But .... really... I don't wear 8 pounds of clothing. Though I was on my period too, so I can say that I was very bloated too, I think I am probably 300.

*Dread* Still post surgery I was 265.


7:28 p.m. - 2008-10-01


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