sourgurl77's Diaryland Diary



I'm very nervous about seeing my gyn tomorrow. Prior to this, I was very brave and kept telling myself that if I want a child, I shouldn't be scared.

I'm afraid of the PAIN of it all. I don't want any painful tests or bad new. I guess that is what I'm all worked up about. I'm tired of bad news and really the whole medical field ... with my surgery and stuff, I've had ENOUGH of pain for this year.

So I am going with my charts in hand. I look at them and wonder if I'm ovulating at all. Then I wonder what's wrong and then what the doctor will DO TO ME.

If I have this inkling NOW that this won't be good, usually I'm right. I hope to GOD that I'm over-reacting and that I'll be able to post and laugh it off with a ... blood test or a ultrasound or pills or all three.

I contemplate talking her OUT of any heavy tests.

Also, everyone keeps telling me to be "honest"

AS if I'm not honest? Why would I lie????


I lost 4 lbs already on WW yay.

Okay sorry, I will try to post after this whole ordeal...

10:28 p.m. - 2008-10-09


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