sourgurl77's Diaryland Diary


express it all

I am just getting over a bad cold. I have been feeling sickly all week. I really dislike feeling like this when I have been busy at work, etc.

I have been having cramping too, it's quite annoying when you're trying for a child and do the whole two week wait thing. Everything is a possible symptom - cramps or a headache or backache or moodiness.

So I'm just figuring if I miss my period, I'll check if not, I'll keep on trucking.

I went to the gyn and am seemingly okay. I stopped BBT'ing and am thinking about stopping the progesterone cream usage. I really don't think I...need them.

I also thought I had a luteral phase defect, but I don't.

It's crazy the things that knowledge brings you. I've researched the baby thing to death. So now I'm getting back to just ... trying the ol' fashioned way - around ovulation and just trying until 6 months go by.

I'm just tired of people asking me if I'm pregnant yet. It's VERY ANNOYING.

It's like ... that's really rude. I really don't need a reminder that my fertility could be in question and the fact that you might realize that one day too.

Anyway, I've been toying with the thought of writing a story ... a book ... something. I have the story idea in my head, though it's not really worked out entirely, I just fret about starting to write it.

I have to talk to my writing friend, he always made me feel guilty that I never kept up with my writing.

I always say college ruined me - with writing classes and teachers telling you what they THINK is the correct way to write ... It's a joke! I mean creativity is creativity. You can shape a story in anyway you like, it's like telling an artist what strokes to use and what paint to use to create. That's not creating, that copying, that's how YOU create, not the norm ... not for everyone.

So ah ... so many things are rattling around in my head and ... just so little words to express it all.

8:48 p.m. - 2008-10-24


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